Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo & BD Reprise

Is there anyone living in Fort Worth, Texas  who hasn’t attended the Stock Show & Rodeo at least once? Well perhaps, but probably not many and more than likely they’re recent transplants.

(I’m also at Claire Gem’s blog today.  Please stop by. She asks great questions. )

For three weeks every January for 120 of years, the citizens of Fort Worth and the surrounding area come together to celebrate our western heritage. Folks don’t just come from nearby, but the cowboys and cowgirls who participate come from all across the country.

I confess I don’t go every year but this year I went with my daughters and grands and some of their friends. Sitting in one of the boxes, you get an upfront and personal experience which includes dirt spattering into your face and on your clothes as the animals and people struggle for supremacy.

You might also get a chance to pet a horse or two. Traditionally, we have some of our coldest weather during the Stock Show. Last weekend was in the 40s with blowing wind. This next weekend will be unseasonably warm in the 70s!

Let me share some pics with you…

IMG_3015 Students from Culver Academies in Culver, Indiana. These young people and their horses did amazing choreography. Check out their website.

IMG_3025Love the Ladies Barrel Racing.

IMG_3029Chuck wagon races threw dirt everywhere.

IMG_3039 Don’t know why the guys riding the bulls don’t break their backs! This bull took off and ran all along the railing up past where we were sitting. Closer to a bull than I wanted to be.

.IMG_3041 Granddaughter with the baby goats. Not sure who was cuter!

IMG_3052 These little guys were so smart. They cuddled up next to the small heater.

IMG_3049 After petting the llama, I know why their wool is so valued to keep you warm!

IMG_3040 Younger daughter & her daughter & me. We were all pretty cold at this point. We made our way back to the car through the exhibit hall where it was blessedly warm.

IMG_3054 I don’t have a place for the horns, but liked that they were turquoise. 🙂

Tell me about your rodeo experiences. How often have you been? Where? Who do you rout for? I root for the animals. Not that I want any one to get hurt, but I feel sorry for the animals.

BD Reprise. Thought you’d enjoy seeing a few shots of the BD celebration last week.

IMG_3006 Gary and me at Aventino’s with friends and family.


  IMG_3058 Gluten Free cupcakes at Kathryn’s on Sunday with the grands. We had balloons, too. 🙂

Thanks for bearing with me through this admittedly long post, but I wanted to share. Don’t forget the contest running on my FB Author page and to sign up for the newsletter to keep on top of info. As always, I love hearing from you.


16 responses to “Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo & BD Reprise

  1. There’s way too many for me to recount here. LOL. My son rode broncs and my daughter ran barrels. Sher rode colors (carried the American flag) at quite a few rodeos including the Fort Worth Stock Show. That’s my favorite part…the grand entry. When the horses are set, the two flag bears race in on their horses, circle the arena, (pass each other inches apart), and then stop at the front. The Texas flag bearer snaps her flag forward to pay homage to the American flag as the national anthem is played. Nothing says Texas better than an arena full of cowboys with their hats off, resting against their chest, over their heart.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Loved this post and your photos, Marsha. The rodeo sounds such an exciting day out. Perhaps you could write a whole book about the rodeo some time. There most be some really interesting characters who take part in it. (I loved Jerrie’s comment.)
    Happy belated birthday to you. So glad you had a lovely day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Helena. Glad you enjoyed the pics. Not sure I can write a book based in this world. I really don’t know enough about it. (Now, Jerrie could.) I’m not sure playing cowboys as a child and riding pretend horses qualifies me. LOL Thanks so much for stopping by. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I enjoyed your fun rodeo post and I also enjoyed your interview. (I left a comment.) I loved the photo of your granddaughter and the baby goat. It reminded me of my grandson. He was so fascinated by a baby petting zoo. We have photos of him with the goats also.

    I went to a rodeo when I was a young child. At the time, I hated it, because it took the place of my father’s company picnic that included all of the large size carnival rides you could imagine, games, food…cotton candy, ice cream, two meals, etc. any kid or parent would enjoy from morning until evening. We would run from one ride to another. So instead of that, they tried a rodeo for just one year. It failed miserably with the employees. Everyone missed the company picnic. To this day, it is the best company picnic I’ve ever been to. It was something else.

    We lived in Idaho for a year and went to the fair and saw a rodeo there. That’s pretty much sums up my experience. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Susan. I loved the baby goats. I’d only seen them on TV or on FB and they are super precious. I bet your pics of your grandson with them are darling. Your dad’s company picnic sounds like major fun. Though cotton candy is available at the FW Stock show and two–count’em–two large bags were consumed by the kids. I just read in the paper that morning that cotton candy doesn’t have many calories, but a large bag is like eating 56 teaspoonfuls of sugar! Boy were those kids wired for the rest of the day!
      I think we had some cowboys from Idaho. We had several from Nebraska. Same general territory. Thanks so much for stopping by.


  4. This makes me want to visit Texas even more! We have great rodeos here, the Canadian Finals Rodeo is held in Edmonton, Alberta each year, but I don’t think it would match the excitement of being there, right in the heart of cattle country 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Marsha,

    I’ve never been to a rodeo, but it looks like fun. Once a year or so one comes to Madison Square Garden, I believe. I doubt it would compare to yours.
    Thanks for the post!


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Ken. I understand the rodeo you’re talking about is awesome. Someday y’all should go. It is a whole different world. YOu don’t have to wear a western hat or boots, but jeans would be great. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by.


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