It’s not the primary weight bearing bone in my right ankle, but still it’s a broken ankle. One of those silly falls last Thursday night did me in. Storms were moving in and I wanted to protect our potted plants to get them under the overhang. Two plants transferred successfully.

When I went down the four stairs for the last one, I glanced back at Charley to see if he was staying inside.IMG_3863 Next thing I knew I’d lost my balance—either hit the last step sooner than I expected or missed it entirely, not sure—but the concrete wacked my knee, and I turned my ankle. Ended up on my back moaning up to the sky.

Bob was inside in the other side of the house in the bathroom. Knew he’d never hear if I yelled. So using my Pilates muscles, I sat up and used my arms to boost my hips up and backwards across a couple of feet of flat patio to the 4 steps where I repeated the process, all the time keeping my right leg and foot off the ground. Way to go Pilates! IMG_3864

Once inside I boosted myself onto the bench and then called for Bob. IMG_3865He came in and looked at the TV set. As I said, storms were coming in and he thought I’d called him to watch the weather report.

He wasn’t thrilled to hear what I’d done, but was very helpful then and since. He’s doing all the clothes washing. We have a very tight space for the Washer & Dryer, and I can’t get back there in my wheelchair.

I have such a better appreciation for folks who live in a wheel chair all the time. I have a good left leg to support me for transferring and standing and still it’s tough. If you’ve ever for a minute thought it was a waste of time to put in those ramp crosswalks that go over the curb, try getting around in a wheel chair for a time. It will change your mind.

And if you’re not doing some upper body muscle building, you better get to it. You’ll be really glad you did.

When we remodeled, we put in wider doorways and a grab bar in our master bedroom for possible use a long time in the future. So glad we did. And we have an extra door from our bedroom to the driveway. It was so we could build a covered walkway and not get wet when it rained. So glad we did. Bob pulls up right next to it, and I can step out of the car and into the wheel chair pretty easy. So glad we did these things.


As I write this on Tuesday, I still haven’t been into see an orthopedic doctor. Sure hope I don’t have to have surgery that he/she can just put it in a cast and it will heal itself. Still probably looking at 6 weeks or more not at full speed. And we haven’t finished all the unpacking a throwing out.

I can’t say enough about how wonderful our kids have been. I know they had other things planned for this past weekend, but they just jumped in with both feet. Packing up the leftovers from the house, carting to wherever stuff needed to go, repairing the roof of the boat dock, washing it off, washing clothes, and generally helping us get settled. We’d have been lost without them.

They got a reward on Monday with a little water play. IMG_3855 IMG_3861

Bob returned to work on Tuesday, so during the days, they’re my wheels if I need to go to the doctor or to get my hair done. I remember so well, doing this for my mom. Life is certainly a cycle.

So how about you. What’s your experience with broken bones and caring for parents or being cared for by your kids?

The big computer isn’t recognizing my Hot Spot, so I’m still working on the laptop. If you’ve not signed up for my Newsletter, please stop by my website

Love to hear from you.

21 responses to “IT BROKE!

  1. So sorry to hear of all your troubles, Marsha. I hope you are able to take advantage of having to rest by getting back to writing. It’s very disorientating suddenly being handicapped in this way and really makes you reflect on how hard it is for disabled people to go about everyday life, when everything is geared up for the able-bodied.
    I ruptured my Achilles tendon once (playing cricket with my children – that will teach me not to be so competitive!) I’d just started a new job, and had to rely on people giving me lifts to and from work, plus ask people to be my “runner” round the factory I was working in, as I couldn’t get around there on crutches for health and safety reasons. It was very difficult and also embarrassing!
    I wish you a speedy recovery – and I hope your enforced rest brings on a brand new novel!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Helena. Oh, you so get it! Having to ask for help is so difficult for me. When you’ve been the competent one, as we have been, it’s tough. I hope you Achilles heel recovered. That sounds way more complex than my broken bone. But I learned yesterday I have to have surgery and they’ll put a plate in it. Not the news I was hoping for. Apparently, it’s not enough metal to set off the alarms in the airport. 🙂 That’s a relief. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This was a terrible thing to happen, Marsha at any time, but especially when you were first moving into a new home and have so much to do.

    I know you will use your time wisely while your ankle is healing.

    Yay for Pilates! I know I need to build my upper body strength.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, Susan, not that you ever want to break a bone, but the timing on this is the pits. Need to dig into the next book. Hope to have my big computer up and running tomorrow and then, I can get going. Thanks so much for stopping by and check into some classical Pilates.:)


  3. Oh no! 😦 I fell at work a few years ago in much the same way – missed the last of three concrete steps (outside, of course, in front of what felt like the whole world), then a last-ditch flailing run in an attempt to stay upright (major fail!) before landing on my hands and knees and flopping over to face the sky because I managed to dislocate my shoulder and fracture my humerous (dominant-hand arm, because of course). I also ripped the knees out of my new slacks and bled all over them. I sat up but because of the dislocated shoulder, I couldn’t stand. I had to call to a guy trimming the shrubs nearby to rescue me (SO EMBARRASSING). I was carrying a box and my bag… which went in opposite directions when I started to fall. I can’t help but laugh now because it must have been quite a sight. I’d have gone viral if someone had gotten it on film. (PHEW!) I hope you heal quickly!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Tamara. Wow! So sorry for you. That was quite a fall! And you described it so well. I was very fortunate to only bruise my knee and break this one small bone. Still needs a plate. Insurance that I can still be active 10 years from now. Hope you don’t have any lasting disabilities from that experience. Thanks for stopping and sharing your story. 🙂


  4. Rats. Hurting an ankle is the pits. I know–see half-time on the football field, stepping in a hole, stepping on a Lego. Too many times. I need a plate. I hope all goes well and you get that scooter thingy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Vicki. Oh, my goodness, you do have a lot of experience with this! Bless your heart. It’s funny how the littlest thing can do you in. I’ll keep you posted on how the plate thing works out. Hope you don’t break again, but really three breaks is a bunch. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂


    • Hey, Regina. Yes, we’re really blessed with our kids. It’s just amazing! We keep having all these little glitches, but the view remains awesome even in all this rain. Thanks for stopping by .:)


  5. Oh Marsha,
    I’m so sorry to hear about your ankle. Your new home sounds like the perfect place to heal and your family Is rock solid. No surprise there. You are an awesome Mom and now they get to give back. Nice circle.
    In February I overdid it preparing for PJ’s 75th. I woke up with a soft tissue injury in my knee and have been hobbling ever since. It’s frustrating but tomorrow I’m seeing a physiotherapist and I think I am healing.
    it’s given me a different perspective on the importance of mobility as we age.
    Sending warm thoughts your way. I hope you’re not in pain.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Jo-Ann. The circle for sure. I think about how I helped my mother and now my kids are helping me. Bless your heart–a messed up knee since February. I’m so sorry, but glad you’re getting to see a PT person. They do miracle work. I’m sure I’ll see one after surgery. Take care and keep me posted on your knee. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Dawn. The orthopedic doc yesterday recommended surgery. Afraid in 5-10 years I’d have a weakness there. Mobility is so important, I decided to go for it. Thanks for the good thoughts. I can use them. 🙂 Congrats on your latest book and thanks for stopping by. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Marsha,
        Well, I can see from your post that you keep fit and I’m sure that will stand you in good stead. I’m sure it will all go well.
        Thanks for the congrats! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh so sorry Marcia. I hope Charley is helping to take care of you too. Isn’t always so quick the way things like that happen. I only ever broke 1 bone ( that I sought treatment for anyway ) I was a tomboy so I’m pretty sure I broke bones in toes and the same bone in the other foot. But we heal much faster when we’re younger don’t we. This particular
    bone I broke when I was visiting my brother and his wife. We were out in his pool and he gave me a scotch/coke zero to drink. When we went to go into the house I walked right off the step and twisted my foot. That’s when I found out Coke zero intensifies the effects of alcohol. It took me a week of walking around on it to decide I better get it looked at. 6 weeks in a walking boot was my sentence. Shortly after that was when I developed a severe weakness in my left leg from lesions on my spinal column from my MS. So now I can only walk short distances with the help of Meds, a nerve stimulator worn on my leg and a cane. I can’t bend my knee so I also agree I didn’t truly appreciate the sidewalk cutouts either before I needed them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good grief, Gina, boy have you had a mess of troubles! But aren’t medicine and medical interventions amazing! Who’d have thought a few years ago of the possibility of a nerve stimulator! So glad you have this. I’m with you. Next time I hear someone badmouthing the use of money for those ramps in sidewalks, I’m letting them have it on your behalf and all of us for whom they are so necessary. Take care and thanks so much for stopping by. 🙂


  7. What a way to start your life in your new home! So sorry you’re laid up. And glad you have such wonderful support.
    I’ve never broken anything, but have sprained my ankle a couple of times. The first when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant. Discovered I don’t like crutches and that I’m allergic to adhesive tape.
    In March I finally had my right knee replaced. Didn’t require a wheelchair but my mobility has certainly been limited. It’s 12 weeks now and I can go for periods where I walk normally and am not aware of my knee. Then of course things swell or tighten up and I realize I still have a ways to go. My kids were helpful the first week home, but they aren’t close and are busy working. Hubs has been wonderful, taking over lots of chores.
    Good luck. Hope you heal quickly!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, Kate, knee replacement! I think my surgery is simpler. At least that’s what I’m going with until I learn something else. LOL No reason to borrow trouble.
      I know how lucky I am to have kids close who are able and willing to help. I’d be up a creek without them. Bob still works full time. He took off this morning to take me to do all the pre-op papers at the hospital! Good grief!
      Well, this will pass. Like you, full healing may take a while, but I’ll get there. Thanks for your good wishes and for stopping by.


  8. I was walking across the parking lot a few weeks ago and felt a click in my L foot. I wasn’t going to turn around and go home, particularly when it was an OT shift which meant finding yet another person to fill the shift would be difficult if not impossible.

    I made it through taking tylenol and advil for the pain and expected it would get better in a few days. No such luck. My doctor said soft tissue injury and take the week off. I did and it was better but still not great. My physiotherapist said stress fracture and if it’s not healed by next week a scan and the boot. I’ve been off this week and I think it’s getting better….

    No where near what you’re going through but I know how you feel. I’m hoping this will give me more empathy for everyone who comes in hopping, hobbling or being pushed. Not that I’m not now but….

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Pat. I’m so sorry you hurt your foot. At least it’s not your driving foot and I hope it can heal on it’s own. Boots are a magical invention. Not sure how it works, but I can put a small amount of pressure on my right foot, kind of helping to balance, and it doesn’t hurt. I’ve had to switch pain meds now getting off the Iboprophen 800 I was taking to something with codein in it. Not happy about that, but I follow directions, especially when it’s from the docs (or nurse who I really liked.)
      Not that we weren’t empathetic for those with a disability, but this experience sure makes us more conscious of what some people have to deal with all the time. I’m pleased with what all I can do, but gosh. It takes a lot of energy.
      Yesterday my daughter put me through some Pilates exercises I can do in the wheelchair. Grateful because, I’d have to eat nothing to keep from gaining weight without more exercise. Can’t pull that off. LOL Hope for a full and soon recovery for you. Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your experience. 🙂


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