How Fast Things Can Change

Wednesday when I drove to Pilates, I was wound up so tight I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs when I walked in the door.

I did not do that. I’m sure you’re glad to know I had enough self-control not to do that. The owner of the studio (my daughter) would have freaked out!


Are you wondering why I felt like screaming? I’ll tell you.

Too many things on my to-do list and some things hanging that I didn’t have control of. You know how it is, when you’re waiting on one thing before you can do the other.

I’d been trying to get an extra ticket to a luncheon for a candidate friend of mine.  I wanted her to be able to sit at my table. Luncheons are known for adding an extra seat to some tables. I waited and waited to hear back from someone who was supposed to get it set up. By the time I heard back, they couldn’t add any more 11 people tables. So, then I was checking with a friend who also has a table. What a relief to hear back from them they had room.  And I called the candidate and we’re good to go. Whew.

I’m having the neighbors over for a coffee in a bit over a week and the invites haven’t gone off yet. Have had trouble getting all the addresses & phone numbers. Some people we know, but don’t know their names. You know the people we walk by their house all the time with Charley. Everybody knows Charley. And those have to go out now.

And now I must stop to take pictures of the Pelicans…IMG_6590

I so love the Pelicans and their buddies the Cormorants.

Speaking of Charley (and I was), he’s been under the weather the last two days–not pooping or eating well. He seemed better Wednesday afternoon, barking at the Pelicans. I wish he wouldn’t. But I’ve been worried.

This has wandered a bit, but there is a point.

Needed this Wednesday.

1-24-18 Calm-sm

Mandala Art & Messages, 2181 Vancorum Circle, Loveland, CO 80538

 Pilates has always helped me get focused. When you mind is focused on 5 different parts of your body at the same time, you can’t worry. And that’s what I had been doing. Worrying about letting down people I cared about. (I’m omitting a whole other section of concern.)

Because I physically felt better, I mentally felt like I could handle things. A friend took me to lunch and gave me a wonderful BD card in a turquoise envelope that made me feel appreciated. (Despite Bob & me both being under the weather on Sunday, I had a great BD—lots of FB greetings and cards, and the greetings have continued. I think I’ve told you my cousin celebrates the whole month. She’s got the right idea.)

When I got home from the lunch and a visit with my older daughter that made me feel a whole lot better, I completed a few items on my list and magically, all was well again.

I’m seriously thinking of letting go of a few obligations, though because I have to get book 4 in the series written or it will never get published in 2018. That’s probably the biggest thing hanging over me right now. FB and newsletter may have to take a back seat for a while, or I don’t blog every week. Not sure. ???

1-10-18 Trim-sm

Mandala Art & Messages, 2181 Vancorum Circle, Loveland, CO 80538

But, bottom line is when you’re freaking out, get up off your duff and go exercise. The endorphins will help you put things in perspective. And then check off the things on your to-do list.

How do you manage stress? Thoughts on weekly blog, newsletter, FB? Love to hear from you.


I’m officially 10 lbs lighter than I was at the beginning of the month. Go Whole-30.

Book Signing:

Haltom City Public Library “Night of Romance” Friday, February 9 6:30-8:30. Texas Authors, Their Books,  Baskets & Chocolate. Will be fun. Hope you can come. Blog  @Marsharwest


16 responses to “How Fast Things Can Change

  1. Sorry to hear you’ve been stressed recently, Marsha. Sometimes things can just mount up. I’m sorry to hear about Charley, too. My dog has been limping badly recently and I know how you feel about worrying. Hope Charley is better soon. I’ve taken a back seat with both blog and newsletter for now, to get some writing done. I find writing a stress buster, too 🙂 Hope you get to free up some time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Helena. I wondered about your blog and whether I was just missing it. The balance is tough. I hope your sweet pup is better soon. Thanks for sharing how you’re handling finding time to write. It’s usually a day gone to get a blog up. And that’s just one day, but then other “stuff” comes along, too. Part of this is tied up with the way I write. I like really big chunks of time to dig in. Some authors can write in twenty minute spates. That’s great because you can almost always find twenty minutes. In that time, I’ve only just gotten back into the characters and the story. LOL We’re all different. Thanks so much for stopping by. 🙂


    • Hey, Ellis. There are plenty of folks who do more than I do, I think I burned out a lot of my resources when I was a principal, so some stuff bothers me more than it used to. I really admire folks who run for office. So easy to sit and complain without taking that step. Appreciate you stopping by. 🙂


  2. Marsha, you probably do have too much on your plate. It’s good that you are keeping up with your exercise. I have cancelled a number of social things lately. You can’t do everything. I do have company coming tomorrow. (I’m tired of cleaning the house…lol…which is what I am doing today plus cooking.) I exercise every late afternoon and I look forward to it. One of my New Year resolutions was to meditate daily. I haven’t done it yet this year. I have in the past. Bill does every day.

    I must say I enjoy your weekly blog. But we all must take time for ourselves.

    Liked by 1 person

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