Topical Updates

How can I feel behind when this is only the 3rd Thursday of 2018? So much to do, so little time. 🙂

  1. Whole 30: Last week I wrote about what this eating plan is. I have 15 more days to go. Half-way mark on anything is good, right? I read more about the “Add-back-in” phase. Two days of one of the items and then 2 days back on the Whole-30, analyzing how I feel. Lots of thinking with this plan. I’m feeling pretty good, and I’ve lost 8 pounds. Always a good thing. (Remember, technically, I’m not supposed to weigh, but I just couldn’t go a month and not step on the scale.) I can see this being a long-time way of managing my weight and health.

  2. I do truly intend to get ACT OF BETRAYAL up on iTunes, but life happens, and I haven’t gotten to it. I feel so guilty for not getting it done yet. Anyway, thank you for a little more patience on that front. February is a busy month. It may be March. Act of Betrayal

  3. The good news is I’ve written 3500 words on ACT OF SURVIVAL, Book 4 of the Second Chances Series, this week. I need to spend more time on this book for it to come out this year.

  4. My short story is ready to be sent in to my NTRWA chapter. It’s titled “The Colonel and the Major” set in Due Drop, Texas. Should be a fun book with stories around the Iced Tea Festival held in August. The short story releases in March sometime.

  5. I find great joy in the wonderful birds, ducks, and various flying, swimming critters and deer abounding on and around the lake. Excited to share a few of my pics.

     IMG_6591 IMG_6590

    IMG_6561 IMG_6573

  6. We survived the Big Chill with temps down at 12 one night, wind chill even lower. We left the water running in the taps and the doors underneath sinks open. Do you do anything to help protect against cold weather? No ice or snow like some parts of Texas, but boy has it been cold. We’ve been having a hard time getting Charley’s walks in. This has been the most prolonged winter in years.


  7. I hope you got my most recent newsletter. I’m still experimenting with the format. Love to hear your thoughts on it.

  8. I’ll write more about this in February, but I’ll be participating in the Night of Romance on Feb. 9 at the Haltom City Public Library. I’ll have all of my books for sale. Allison Long, the Librarian, provides, chocolate, non-alcoholic champagne, and a chance to win baskets provided by the authors, who also get a chance to read from our books. I wish all libraries had an event for local authors. It’s really run.

  9. That brings you up to date. I hope you’re off to a good start on your goals/resolutions. I’d love to hear updates from you on that or anything. 😊  @Marsharwest


8 responses to “Topical Updates

    • Hey, Renee. Technically it’s almost been two weeks if you go back to the freeze on New Year’s Even and Day. Yes, we had a bit of a warm up in between, but for us, this has been extreme. As much as I like the snow, I feel for the poor folks in the northeast with what they’ve been getting. I’m feeling good on this plan, Renee. Tea soon, ok? Thanks for stopping by.


  1. It sounds like you are doing wonderfully, Marsha with everything, writing, events, your weight loss!! Congratulations on the eight pounds!! We had company for four days and I gained back two of the four pounds I had lost. We ate too well. 🙂 Yesterday I received gifts of chocolates. (I think I’m being sabotaged…lol.)

    I always enjoy your posts. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Susan. You’re still ahead of the game. And I think your worst saboteur shares your house. The pics you post of Bill’s baking efforts make my mouth water! Thanks for your kind words. I always love to see you here. 🙂


    • Hey, Sharon. LOL I nearly fell off my chair laughing at your words. How many times have you done the Whole 30? My daughter has done it at least twice. I see it in my future for most of the spring to get closer to what I want to weigh. It’s really the easiest plan I’ve ever tried. And I’ve tried many. LOL Thanks so much for stopping by. 🙂


    • Hey, JQ. Sorry to be slow responding here. Life happens. And yes, I guess I like it this way. Wouldn’t want to be sitting around twiddling my thumbs. You, too seem to be off to a good start. Let’s make this a great year. Thanks for stopping by and for all your support. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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