Voting & Halloween & Marketing

Crazy title, right? But next Tuesday is the day all our votes will be counted. Lots of us have voted early. If you still have a mail in ballot, please hand deliver it to a drop off box or the polling place. Don’t put it in the mail. You have no guarantee it will get counted at this point. Rules vary throughout the states, but this is no time to take a chance. If you go in person, keep you distance from others, and wear your masks. I know my daughter and SIL Laura and Kevin will do it this way on November 3. Be safe, y’all.
So Saturday is Halloween and my other SIL’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Lance. Hope you get to eat cake.
Lance Several years ago.
I had something of a breakthrough about eating candy. I’ve always been an all or nothing kind of person where it comes to eating. In the past I’ve done the best managing my weight when I eliminated whatever: candy, burgers, or sandwiches. Well, I’ve learned when I thought about Halloween, I don’t have to do that anymore. When we used to buy tons of Halloween candy, we’d have lots left over. All of which I’d eat. We don’t have trick or treaters here on the lake, so I don’t buy all that candy. But we always have Hershey Kisses around and Ghirardelli squares. Used to be I wouldn’t have been able to have these around and not eat them all the time. And now I can. This is a good thing.
Okay on to Marketing. Lots going on. Do you like FREE BOOKS? I’ve never done them before, but I’ve got a couple opportunities for you coming up in November. The first is Thankful for Romance with several other authors in my NTRWA writing chapter. My books are SECOND ACT, the first book in The Second Chances Series, & TRUTH BE TOLD, a standalone set during the Christmas holidays. Here’s the link, but it’s not live until Sunday, November 1.
The second FREE DAY will be only on November 7, National Author’s Day. And to win a free book, you’ll have to tune in to my live Zoom event from 10-10:30 that morning. I’ll give away three of my books using a random drawing. We’ll chat, and I’ll read some from my books. Here’s the link for this event.
Meeting ID: 883 9232 2507
Passcode: 0WggFN
I’ll include this in my Newsletter which will go out next week, too.
I’ll also have a spot in N. N. Light’s Book Heaven’s Holiday Gift Guide sometime in November. I don’t have the date or the link yet, but the spotlight will be on VERMONT ESCAPE.
Universal Link
So, have you voted? How did you do it? Do you like getting FREE BOOKS? What’s the most you’ll pay for an e-book. Do you decorate for Halloween? Do you have kids Trick or Treat at your house? Love to hear from you.
PS. Here’s the link for my Tuesday post on the Word By Word Blog for a hint at what’s coming next. 😊
Please sign up for my NEWSLETTER and BLOG and visit my website
Contact me at , and follow me on my social media sites.  @Marsharwest

8 responses to “Voting & Halloween & Marketing

  1. Hello Marsha. Happy Halloween!! I love all holidays including Halloween. I have decorated and bought lots of Halloween candy that we are indulging in. We’ve always had a lot of kids trick-or-treating at our home and loved it. This year our blinds will be closed and we’ll be in our back sunroom watching Halloween movies and have our Halloween dinner. This is the first year ever, we haven’t given out candy. It’s too risky with Covid.

    I most definitely have voted in this important election. Go Biden!!

    I don’t enter contests to win books. If I want to read a book, I won’t wait to win it, I’ll buy it. I do love your books. Vermont Escape is still my favorite, but I have really enjoyed your other books as well. I also won’t trade books for reviews. I want readers to leave reviews for my books because they enjoyed them and want to.

    Enjoy the holiday weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Susan. I’ve only entered contests to support fellow authors and have gotten FREE Books that way. I know lots of folks do the FREE book thing, but I haven’t. I’ve done 99 Cent sales, but I guess we’ll see how it works out. If they like Second Act which they don’t pay for, but then buy the other three, I can see how this would work. Mainly if new folks find me, that would be good too. I’m kind of surprised you bought candy if you don’t plan to hand it out. I sure wouldn’t be able to resist it. I have to look away when I see the bags of Candy Corn in the store. I could empty the bag in only a few days. LOL Glad you enjoyed Vermont Escape. It will always be one of my favorites, partly because it was the first. 🙂 I enjoyed re-reading The Theatre recently. What do you eat for a Halloween meal? Thanks for stopping by and all your support. 🙂


  2. Hi Marsha, I love the idea of the Zoom reading, and I hadn’t heard of this for authors before. What a great idea, now a lot of bookshops are closed.
    Our local council has asked children not to go trick or treating this year, but they’ve laid on an online reading of a ‘scary’ children’s tale, and asked children to get dressed up to listen to it. I think this is a great idea, too. One good thing that’s come out of all this is that people have shown so much creativity.
    I don’t have your problem with sweets (candy) or chocolate, but cake is a different matter. Stollen is a particular weakness at this time of year 🙂
    Hope you enjoy Hallowe’en!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Helena. I love the idea your library is doing. I keep hearing the numbers are growing in GB, so sorry. I think lots of folks are still going out here. Just total denial that the virus is real! Crazy for sure. The reading is fun. You just have to remember to look right in the camera and not around like you’d do in person. I’m excited to get to do another. I don’t know what the time would be for you. But I’ll have a recording you’ll be able to check out after, though what fun to talk to you face to face. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. And Helena, just enjoy your stollen; life is short. Be safe.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, I have voted. I voted by mail for the first time four days ago. Dropped it off at a local voting location, quick and easy.

    I love getting free books. But I won’t acquire a book just because it’s free, it has to be a free book that I really want to read. I have KU, but I tend to buy all of my books so I can keep them and reread them anytime I feel like it.
    No, I don’t decorate for Halloween. I do give out candy to the kiddies though.
    As far as candy, I’m hooked on Dark Chocolate Reeses and PayDay’s right now.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey, Ksarak, So you used the mail in ballot and dropped it off. Nice we have so many options. I don’t think I realized that with KU, you don’t get to keep the books. I used to buy all my print books at Half-Priced books until I realized the author doesn’t get any of that purchase. Back then I still read print books, don’t much any more. OMG PayDay. My mouth still drools when I see those in the grocery line. Interesting that I like it so much since it doesn’t have chocolate. In college often my lunch was Reeces peanut butter cups and a diet coke. Really healthy (not) but it was all I had time for. LOL Ksarak, will you please check that I accepted your friend request? I think I may have accidentally declined your request. Please resend if I did that. Thanks. And thanks for stopping by. 🙂


  4. Hello again!

    I think it’s okay, my timeline lists us as friends.

    KU is great, but only keeping ten books at a time really doesn’t work for me. All the books on my KU, I really want to read. But right now I’m in a danger and suspense kind of mood. So those ten KU books will sit until my mood switches back to the Older woman/Younger Man reads.

    I still purchase some print books. Like your series, I will eventually get all of the books in print as well as ebook. I like the size and format of your books, they’ll look great on my shelf. (And I still need to find out what happened when Elizabeth, her daughter and the good marshall were returning from the dog walk and opening the door).

    I love looking at bookshelves.
    I get so distracted while watching the news now. With so many being interviewed from their homes, I’m paying more attention to the interviewee’s bookshelf than what they’re saying. LOL!

    Well, when you can indulge, I highly recommend trying the peanut butter on the outside Reeses. Scrumptious.


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