Hot Summers

Here in Texas, are summers are known for their brutal temps. Like 70 days of 100 plus in the summer of 2011 in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Wichita Falls, Texas actually had 100 days of 100 degrees temperatures that year.  (Wichta Falls is where I set the 4th book in the Second Chances Series, ACT OF SURVIVAL. The title doesn’t reference the heat, but it could’ve. 😊)

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I remember 2011. It was soul killing and people died. Thankfully, that is not this summer. We’ve had more rain than usual, and our highs have been low to mid 90s. Really mild for us. I am so very grateful. I hate to be hot. And there’s just not a way to get cool when night-time temps are in the 80s. The only place you can walk is in the mall.

Funny, when I first started writing this blog in 2013, I’d been told to have 15 or 20 posts ready to go before you began so you’d never be without something to say. Well, those of you who know me, know I’m seldom without something to say. LOL But I digress. Several of those posts were about walking in the mall because I did it almost every day. The things I saw, heard, interacted with were at the mall. Next week, I’m going to share some of those early blogs.

I’ve been very busy with getting COMPROMISE ready to go to my editor. I’ll do a cover reveal sometime in August. (I really like it.) 🙂

VERMONT ESCAPE is still on 99 Cent on Amazon and a couple of other venues, because I haven’t gone back in and changed them yet. So scoop up this book while you can.

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I’m also working on documents to send in for a blog tour I’m doing in August. As we get into that, I’ll share links. And we’re getting ready to travel to Red River, New Mexico. Yea, cooler temperatures and mountains, and rivers. Below are some pics from earlier trips. When you’re getting ready to go away, does it sometime become so hectic that you question whether it’s worth the effort?

The Christmas in July Fete continues throughout this month. A great place to meet new authors, and if you comment, a chance to win a $75 Gift Card. Please check out my post and comment there, but check out the other authors, too.

Here’s the link to my post.

My heart aches for those of you on the west coast and northwest. Please pray for all those in the throes of fighting the dreadful fires while in the middle of already killingly high temperatures. The pictures on TV are like something out of an end times movie. Just terrifying. Lord, have mercy.

What is your weather like where you live? Do you care about the weather? I have a friend who says I obsess about it. LOL She may be right. If I obsess, it’s because I like to be prepared. It’s my early Girl Scout training. 😊 As always, I love to hear from you.

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3 responses to “Hot Summers

  1. Thrilled to hear about the progress of your new book! Can you give us a blurb about it? I’m curious. I have to smile when you say “our highs have been low to mid-90s. Really mild for us.” It’s all relative. Our weather has been warm, dry, rainy, cold, and yet the garden is flourishing! And GT finally has a fence high enough we don’t have to share our veggies with the deer! Hooray!! Enjoy your summer. Stay cool, girl.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey, JQ. Yeah, it all is really relative. So glad you’ve gotten the deer problem taken care of. I’m sure they’re disappointed. Thanks so much for stopping by. 🙂


  2. Hi Marsha, like JQ I have to smile at ‘mild’ temps of low to mid-nineties. Mid-80s is extremely warm for us (although highest ever temp recorded in the UK is 100 degrees). Our houses don’t have air-con, but with global warming I expect that to change. Last year was uncomfortably hot.
    I hope you enjoy your trip to Red River. It looks a stunning spot for a holiday!


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